Tips From a Football Mom

Being a football mom is an exciting and rewarding experience. As a parent, you play a significant role in supporting your child's passion for the sport. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the world of football and make the most of this journey:

  1. Find a comfy chair.
    You're going to be doing a whole lot of sitting and ain't nobody got time for bleacher butt! You can find all types of chairs these days; chairs with canopies, chairs that recline, chairs with cup holders, rocking's totally up to you, just be sure to get one. Your back (and butt!) will thank you later. Or at the very least, carry and waterproof blanket to sit on, that also opts as a seat saver if your athlete is caught in the rain!

  2. Dust off your crockpot.
    If you're like me, it's been collecting dust all summer long. I tend to get the most use out of mine in the colder months…mmm, chili! But, trust me, your slow cooker will become your best friend during football/cheer season. Prep your dinner the night before and drop it in the next morning. You'll come home to a heavenly aroma AND dinner that is ready to be served! #winning

  3. Find a football/cheer mama bestie.
    Let's face it, there will be days that you will be unable to get your child to and/or from practices or games. Have a backup plan. Just be sure you are willing to return the favor!

  4. Stock up on Febreze. NOW!
    Once football equipment is distributed, everything will smell bad. Everything! Your car, your house, your kid…not everything can be thrown in the washer, but (almost) everything can be sprayed down!

  5. Get a planner.
    Paper, electronic ...whatever your little heart desires. Especially if you have more than one child. You're going to need it, unless you can magically store all the practice, scrimmage, and game dates/times/locations in your brain...good luck with that one and let me know how you do that successfully! 

  6. Pack a practice/game "just in case" bag.
    Snacks, because well snacks! A book or magazine just in case you get bored. Sunblock/sunglasses because fall in Maryland is usually like an extension of summer. An umbrella just in case it rains, because well its Maryland! Hand warmers because again, its Maryland. Now, obviously you do not need to pack all of these at the same time, but again its Maryland and you may want to since all could happen in one day! Better to be overly prepared, than under-prepared. And in case you are not pre-pared, this is when #3 helps out!

  7. Stain Fighters Unite!
    Find your favorite stain fighter and stock up. Jersey cleaning is no joke! 

  8. Enjoy every moment.
    Football/Cheer season can be draining, but before you know it, your little cheerleader or quarterback won't be so little anymore. They'll be catching the bus with their teammates to their high school games or able to drive themselves to and from practices. So, take it all in mama, these days are fleeting! Take hundreds of pictures, share them on social media, wear their team colors, ring your cowbell loud and proud, cheer at the top of your lungs. This won't last forever! #itwontbelikethisforlong