Enhancing the Youth Football Experience: The Power of Volunteering

Football, a sport that brings communities together, not only offers great excitement for young players but also presents a unique opportunity for parents to get involved and make a difference. In this post, we will explore why volunteering adds immense value to the youth football experience, fostering a sense of involvement, commitment, excitement, and support.

Building a Strong Community

Volunteering in youth football creates a strong sense of community among parents, coaches, and players. By actively participating in various roles, such as team photographer, film, or even working the snack shack, parents have the chance to connect with others who share their passion for the sport. This camaraderie not only strengthens the team but also fosters lifelong friendships among families.

Demonstrating Commitment

When parents volunteer their time and effort, it sends a powerful message of commitment to their child's football journey. By actively engaging in team activities, parents show their unwavering support for their young athlete's dreams and aspirations. This commitment trickles down to the players, who not only feel encouraged but also learn the importance of dedication and teamwork on and off the field.

Amplifying Excitement

Being involved in youth football adds an extra layer of excitement to the overall experience. From helping organize game days to decorating the field with vibrant banners or doing a game-ending tunnel, parents contribute to the electrifying atmosphere that fuels the players' enthusiasm. The joy and anticipation they bring to these events create unforgettable memories for both the children and their families.

Providing Support

Volunteers play a crucial role in providing much-needed support to the youth football community. Whether it's assisting with chain gang, field set up, and game day snacks, or offering emotional encouragement, parents who step up as volunteers become the backbone of the team. Their selfless acts of assistance ensure that the players can focus on their development and enjoy the sport they love.

Fundraising for a Brighter Future

“It takes a Village” is a common saying when it comes to youth sports. Volunteering also opens doors for fundraising initiatives that benefit any youth sports program. From organizing snack shack donations and selling raffle tickets to seeking sponsorships from local businesses, parents can contribute to securing necessary resources for the team's growth and development. These fundraising efforts provide opportunities for players to have access to better equipment, facilities, and training, ultimately enhancing their football experience.

Volunteering in youth football is not only about giving back but also about creating a more fulfilling and memorable experience for everyone involved. By actively participating in various roles, parents demonstrate their commitment, amplify excitement, provide essential support, and contribute to the team's future through fundraising. So, next time your child takes the field, consider how your involvement as a volunteer can elevate the youth football experience for all.

The Winning Formula: Preparing Before a Football Game

Preparing before a football game is essential for optimal performance on the field. From diet and sleep to hydration and preparation, every aspect plays a crucial role in ensuring that players are ready to give their best. In this post, we will explore the key elements of pre-game preparation that can help football players shine on the field.

Fueling Your Body with the Right Diet

A well-balanced and nutritious diet is the foundation of peak performance in any sport. Football players should focus on consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Carbohydrates provide the necessary energy, while proteins aid in muscle recovery and growth. Avoiding heavy or greasy meals before a game is also advisable to prevent discomfort and sluggishness on the field.

The Power of Quality Sleep

Sleep is often underestimated when it comes to athletic performance. Prioritize getting enough sleep the night before a game to ensure your body is well-rested and ready for action. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep for proper muscle recovery, mental alertness, and overall well-being.

Hydration, the Key to Success

Staying hydrated is crucial for football players to maintain optimal performance and prevent fatigue. Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, supports cardiovascular function, and ensures muscle function. Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the game, and continue to hydrate throughout the day. Avoid excessive caffeine or sugary drinks that can dehydrate the body.

Organized Equipment for Efficiency

Having well-organized equipment can save valuable time and ensure a smooth pre-game routine. Football players should double-check their gear and ensure everything is in order the night before heading to the game. This includes checking the condition of their cleats, making sure you have your game jersey and pants, and organizing their protective gear. By having everything in place and ready to go, players can focus on their performance rather than scrambling to find misplaced items.

Preparing before a football game involves a holistic approach that encompasses diet, sleep, hydration, and Preparation. By fueling your body with the right foods, getting quality sleep, staying hydrated, and having the right gear, you set yourself up for success on the field. Remember, every small step taken towards proper pre-game preparation can significantly affect your performance and overall enjoyment of the game.

How to Photograph Your Kids’ Playing Sports Like a Pro

When it comes to youth sports, every parent wants to capture those precious moments of their child in action. In this post, we will provide valuable tips and techniques to help you take stunning photographs of your child in youth sports.

Use your Smartphone!

While professional cameras can yield fantastic results, don't underestimate the power of your smartphone. With the latest advancements in camera technology, smartphones can produce high-quality images. Ensure your phone is fully charged and has enough storage space. Smartphones are lightweight, easy to handle, and readily available. Plus, you can instantly share the photos with family and friends.

Wipe off Your Camera Lens

Wiping off your smartphone camera lens is an essential tip that can significantly improve the quality of your photos. Over time, your camera lens can accumulate dirt, fingerprints, and smudges (We all know those little fingers touch all the things), which can negatively impact the clarity and sharpness of your images. 

Capture the Action

Sports photography is all about freezing those exciting moments. Instead of relying solely on still photos, try capturing the action through videos. Your phone's video feature allows you to record the entire sequence and later extract the perfect frame as a photo. This way, you won't miss any critical moments during the game.

Zoom Out and Wider Shots

While close-up shots of your child can be incredibly captivating, remember to zoom out and capture the broader context. Wide shots that showcase the entire playing field can provide a sense of scale and depict the intensity of the game. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add depth and variety to your photo collection.

Candid Shots and Emotions

While action shots are essential, remember to capture candid moments and emotions during the game. The joy of victory, the disappointment of defeat, the camaraderie among teammates – these emotions make youth sports so special. Bench and Equipment shots are a great added photo too – muddy cleats, helmets lined up or teams seated during coach chats. 

Capture the Before and After Game Shots

Sports events are not just about the action on the field but also the excitement and camaraderie before and after the game. Remember to document the pre-game rituals, team huddles, and post-game celebrations. These shots add depth and emotion to your collection of sports photographs.

Take Advantage of the Team Environment

Youth sports are not just about individual achievements; they are also about teamwork and camaraderie. Use this opportunity to capture the bond between teammates and the sense of community that comes with being part of a team. Look for moments of celebration, support, and unity that can be beautifully captured through your lens.

We Love Our Volunteers! 

Getting photographs of our volunteers is an important aspect of our organization. Volunteers play a vital role in the success of our program, and we are immensely grateful for their contributions. Photographs help us to showcase the dedication and hard work that our volunteers put into their roles.

Shoot now, Edit Later

While you are taking photos, try to be in the moment and enjoy it. Don't get too caught up in trying to get the perfect shot. You can always edit the photos after the game, when you have more time to focus and make adjustments.

Share it with Us! 

We are thrilled to see our colts in action and would love to feature them on our social media. To make it easier for you to share your content with us, we have provided several ways for you to do so. Please see below for the options:

  1. Email:
    You can send your photos and videos to our dedicated email address, NCCOLTSMEDIA@GMAIL.COM
    Attach the files to the email, and don't forget to include your name and a brief description of the content.

  2. Online submission form:
    Visit our File Drop:
    2023 Fall Drop

  3. Social media:
    If you prefer, you can also share your photos and videos with us directly through social media platforms. Tag us in your posts or send them to us via direct message on Facebook or Instagram Make sure to include a description of the content and any relevant hashtags.

    Instagram: @northcarrollcolts
    Facebook: @northcarrollcolts

Photographing your child in youth sports is a wonderful way to preserve their memories and celebrate their achievements. By following these tips and techniques, you'll be well-equipped to capture stunning images that reflect the true spirit of the game. So grab your phone, head to the next game, and let the magic unfold!

We can't wait to see our colts in action! 

Confessions of a Cheer Mom

  1. Bring all the SPIRIT!
    Yes, you are signing your child up for cheerleading but in reality they need to be cheered on just as much! They wanna see you cheering and yelling from the sidelines when they finally land that cartwheel or their back handspring. They wanna see your colts pride at their games and competitions and yes this also includes you cheer dads out there ! We wanna hear those cow bells and see those signs!

  1. Pack a cheer essentials bag!
    As we all know our girls need all the things! From white socks and cheer shoes to hair ties and makeup! Make sure you are always prepared with back up. Keep 50 extra hair ties because you know they will either lose them or break them! Bring the extra strong hairspray in order to keep those ponytails high and sleek! Anything and everything can happen at cheer competitions and football games so be prepared for the worst!

  2. Stock up on oxi clean!
    Those cheer uniforms are awfully pretty aren’t they? Well after a game or two and maybe some nachos from our lovely snack shack they can start to look a little worn and ragged. So we count on our awesome parents to make sure they keep our girls' uniforms looking good throughout the season! Don’t get me started on the darn WHITE cheer shoes that gotta look sparkly and clean for competitions!

  3. Plan and Prepare, It is the key!
    The cheer season comes with lots of practices and games, along with competitions! The key to making it out alive and sane is to prepare and plan! Plan those dinners (your crockpot is about to be your best friend this season) Make sure you write down all the dates and times (No one likes a late teammate) Get a cheer mom/dad bestie to lean back on if your aren’t able to take your kid to practice or a game (Carpooling saves lives)

  4. Cheer gear is legit!
    Your girls will be out there flipping and jumping so always make sure they are coming to practice and games with spandex on under their shirts and shorts! We can’t have girls showing up with jeans on or a big shirt that will fly up when they flip. We gotta be practical and think what they are out there doing and dress them accordingly. Hair should always be up and out of their face, so get used to updos! Cheer shoes are a different breed for sure! We can't just have any ol sneaker on! Cheer shoes are softer on hands for when the girls are flyers and they also don’t hug the floor as hard as normal sneakers. We know your girls love jewelry but they are not allowed to wear any to practice, games or competitions (if they have any on they will not be allowed to participate until it is removed) Last but not least water (Yes we know this isn’t attire but it is apart or cheer gear) We can’t have our girls getting dehydrated so always make sure they come with water!

  5. Enjoy the season!
    Cheer seasons go fast (even when they feel never ending) Make sure you take all the pictures and just enjoy the moments. Your child is having the time of their lives and learning so many new things and this is when us parents can just sit back and say “Wow, my kid is awesome” They won't be the cute little tike on sideline cheer forever. They will grow up to be the cheerleader doing the back tucks or flying in the high school pyramids.


Tips From a Football Mom

Being a football mom is an exciting and rewarding experience. As a parent, you play a significant role in supporting your child's passion for the sport. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the world of football and make the most of this journey:

  1. Find a comfy chair.
    You're going to be doing a whole lot of sitting and ain't nobody got time for bleacher butt! You can find all types of chairs these days; chairs with canopies, chairs that recline, chairs with cup holders, rocking chairs...it's totally up to you, just be sure to get one. Your back (and butt!) will thank you later. Or at the very least, carry and waterproof blanket to sit on, that also opts as a seat saver if your athlete is caught in the rain!

  2. Dust off your crockpot.
    If you're like me, it's been collecting dust all summer long. I tend to get the most use out of mine in the colder months…mmm, chili! But, trust me, your slow cooker will become your best friend during football/cheer season. Prep your dinner the night before and drop it in the next morning. You'll come home to a heavenly aroma AND dinner that is ready to be served! #winning

  3. Find a football/cheer mama bestie.
    Let's face it, there will be days that you will be unable to get your child to and/or from practices or games. Have a backup plan. Just be sure you are willing to return the favor!

  4. Stock up on Febreze. NOW!
    Once football equipment is distributed, everything will smell bad. Everything! Your car, your house, your kid…not everything can be thrown in the washer, but (almost) everything can be sprayed down!

  5. Get a planner.
    Paper, electronic ...whatever your little heart desires. Especially if you have more than one child. You're going to need it, unless you can magically store all the practice, scrimmage, and game dates/times/locations in your brain...good luck with that one and let me know how you do that successfully! 

  6. Pack a practice/game "just in case" bag.
    Snacks, because well snacks! A book or magazine just in case you get bored. Sunblock/sunglasses because fall in Maryland is usually like an extension of summer. An umbrella just in case it rains, because well its Maryland! Hand warmers because again, its Maryland. Now, obviously you do not need to pack all of these at the same time, but again its Maryland and you may want to since all could happen in one day! Better to be overly prepared, than under-prepared. And in case you are not pre-pared, this is when #3 helps out!

  7. Stain Fighters Unite!
    Find your favorite stain fighter and stock up. Jersey cleaning is no joke! 

  8. Enjoy every moment.
    Football/Cheer season can be draining, but before you know it, your little cheerleader or quarterback won't be so little anymore. They'll be catching the bus with their teammates to their high school games or able to drive themselves to and from practices. So, take it all in mama, these days are fleeting! Take hundreds of pictures, share them on social media, wear their team colors, ring your cowbell loud and proud, cheer at the top of your lungs. This won't last forever! #itwontbelikethisforlong